Por: BaixeFácil
- Criado em: 31/12/2018
Baixe agora IA - Divergences in OH&S grátis para Android. Simple reporting of risks and divergences at your workplace.
The IA system’s app gives you quick and easy access to reporting occurrences and carrying out checklists for risk management. It enables all employees to play an active role in and benefit from the development of health and safety procedures.
IA in your mobile phone lets you
• report risk observations and divergences directly where they happen
• capture images and add them to reports to give a better picture of your work environment
• talk instead of type to simplify reporting in environments where typing is no option
Note: To be able to use the app, your employer must use the IA-system and have an app-user account. Contact your IA-administrator for more information.
Fique com algumas imagens de IA - Divergences in OH&S
Confira um pouco das novidades que o IA - Divergences in OH&S trás:
* Draw on image
Highlight or draw on images before submitting.
* Favorite checklists
Mark checklists as favorite for quick access.
* Sensitive data
Indicate if images or comments contain sensitive data.
* Auto-save progress
Drafts of checklists and occurrences now auto-save on private devices.
* General improvements and bug fixes.