Por: BaixeFácil
- Atualizado em: 24/08/2024
Baixe agora Cupon Escaner grátis para Android. Check el cupón and the latest draws of Spanish ONCE. With Speech and Scanner
Check el cupón and the latest draws and results for the all games and draws of Spanish ONCE. With Speech and Scanner. Easy to Use and Simple.
Versión Actual: 2.3.02
★Speech Synthesizer.★
Narrator is a text-to-speech utility for users who have low vision. Hold on any number in the list of draws and click on the "Listen" option
Scan and check your numbers and you know how much you have won. To scan should focus the coupon bar code with the camera lens. With the phone horizontally placed the red line scanner over the bar code. When the bar code is read line will go from red to green. You can see an example in the screenshots. It also has manual check.
The app will notify you when the latest results are available. Of course, if you don't want notifications you can simply turn them off and check whenever is convenient for you
You can share the results with your WhatsApp's contacts by pressing and holding on the number and selecting "Share".
Games & Draws:
- Cupón Diario
- Cuponazo
- Sueldazo del fin de semana
- Sorteo Extraordinario
- Eurojackpot
- 7/39
- Super Once
Aviso legal.Esta aplicación no está vinculada con, ni afiliada a, ni aprobada por la Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles. El propósito de está aplicación es únicamente informar de los resultados de los sorteos de la ONCE. La información aquí reflejada lo es a título informativo. La Lista Oficial de Premios es el único documento que da fe de los mismos. Para obtener más información o comprobar los resultados oficiales contacte con la Organización Nacional de Ciegos
Fique com algumas imagens de Cupon Escaner