Por: BaixeFácil
- Criado em: 31/12/2018
Baixe agora eGovPH grátis para Android. Get fast and easy access to Philippine government services with eGovPH!
The eGovPH App serve as the single operating system unifying all government services in a single application. This one-stop-shop platform provides convenience to the public and facilitates effective transactions.
This app is supported by several Republic Acts and simplifies government procedures, enhances transparency, reduces corruption and bureaucratic red tape, and promotes ease of doing business.
An innovative solution that revolutionizes government services, promoting a more efficient transparent, and responsive government that benefits all Filipinos.
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Confira um pouco das novidades que o eGovPH trás:
Dear Valued eGovPH Users,
We are always working to refine and improve your eGovPH experience.
What's New:
Include passport details for verification when proceeding with eTravel and OFW services.
Best regards,
The eGovPH Team