Por: BaixeFácil
- Criado em: 31/12/2018
Baixe agora SledovaniTV grátis para Android. Take TV to your pocket or bed.
SledovaniTV is your modern TV available via the Internet. Watch your favorite TV shows whenever and wherever you want. Enjoy the most popular channels on your TV. Take advantage of all modern functions such as Catch-up, Start-over, Timeshift and Recording.
SledovaniTV is changing the way people watch TV. We are without obligation, on many devices and with the best services. Try it now!
Fique com algumas imagens de SledovaniTV
Confira um pouco das novidades que o SledovaniTV trás:
- Mobile devices now support Zoom
- Mobile devices now support audio playback on background for TV stream
- Improved thumbnails and touch area in TV player
- EPG now includes days shortcuts
- Other bug fixes and improvements