Por: BaixeFácil
- Atualizado em: 30/08/2024
Baixe agora TRICARE East grátis para Android. TRICARE East mobile app is available for beneficiaries in the East Region.
This newly rebranded app will allow you to view the details of your claims, and referral and authorizations including status, provider information, and associated dates. You can also view, print, share, and email your Explanation of Benefits (EOB), and referral letters. In addition, you can view your eligibility, Primary Care Manager (PCM) information, cat cap, and deductible (where applicable), make payments, and find network providers.
Fique com algumas imagens de TRICARE East
Confira um pouco das novidades que o TRICARE East trás:
This version includes:
• Newly rebranded app to include name and logo change to TRICARE East
• Bug fixes for design elements and navigation
To provide feedback or if you have any questions about the app, please email us at
[email protected]. Thanks!