Por: BaixeFácil
- Atualizado em: 15/04/2024
Baixe agora LINKmobile grátis para Android. Brings HASC’S innovative and intuitive connected worker portal to your mobile!
The LINKmobile app brings HASC’S innovative and intuitive connected worker portal to your mobile device!
Visitors can access their digital badge, get real-time alerts for scheduled training and occupational health services, and access campus maps and quick facts.
Contractors can register and track personnel training and occupational health services on the go and get real-time activity and expiration alerts to utilize one-click registration.
Owners can quickly access GateCheck to scan digital or physical badges and verify that contractors meet site entry requirements.
Visit hasc.com/LINKmobile to find out more.
Fique com algumas imagens de LINKmobile
Confira um pouco das novidades que o LINKmobile trás:
- Latest version
- Bug fixes and enhancements