Por: BaixeFácil
- Atualizado em: 13/11/2024
Baixe agora ExamCrush: AI-Powered Quizzes! grátis para Android. Your superpower for learning! Keep study streaks & earn rewards...
Here is what you can do with the Exam Crush App now available globally:
• Turn all types of documents into flashcards instantly.
• Auto-generate practice questions from your materials.
• Convert your materials to study games and make learning fun.
• Keep daily study streaks to stay motivated and unlock mystery box.
• Win rewards whenever you complete a challenge.
• Share flashcards and practice questions with friends, study groups and classmates.
• Host quizzes for your student community.
We incorporate data and research into tools that help improve recall, accuracy, engagement and speed for students learning and preparing for exams.
We are on a mission to make learning simple and fun for millions of students around the word.
Download our app today and complete your next exam smiling!
Fique com algumas imagens de ExamCrush: AI-Powered Quizzes!
Confira um pouco das novidades que o ExamCrush: AI-Powered Quizzes! trás:
Generating from scanned documents and images
Generating based on pages
Generating based on topics