Por: BaixeFácil
- Atualizado em: 15/12/2024
Baixe agora DiskInfo grátis para Android. DiskInfo: Quick partition stats on-the-go.
DiskInfo is a simple app to list partitions of your device. (Initial Build)
It also provides you a basic info of all the partitions like :
- Partition name (mount path)
- FileSystem Type (ext4 / f2fs / FAT32 )
Note : The app shows virtual filesystem (ex : fuse,sdcardfs,etc) instead of
actual filesystems (ex : fat32, ntfs, etc) for some partitions and there is no
way to show actual fs underneath it without root access.
- Access Type (readOnly/read-Write)
- Block Size
- Partion storage info (free,used,total space).
The App comes with 6 color themes and also supports material you dynamic theming (Only available in Android 12).
App icon also supports dynamic theming (changes color with the wallpaper only on Android 12 ).
Fique com algumas imagens de DiskInfo
Confira um pouco das novidades que o DiskInfo trás:
Tried to shrink size 🥲
Minor optimizations