Baixe agora DreamSave 2.0 grátis para Android. Manage your savings group meetings, automate calculations, achieve your goals!
DreamSave is a free app that makes it easy for any savings group to run meetings, manage financial records, achieve savings goals, and build credit history.
The DreamSave app helps savings groups:
• Manage Group and Run Meetings ⚬ Guide your group through every meeting step
⚬ Enforce your group’s constitution
⚬ Record attendance
⚬ Cut meeting time in half with automatic calculations
• Calculate Savings, Loans, Shareout ⚬ Record member savings, social fund contributions and other funds
⚬ Issue loans based on the group’s eligibility criteria, interest rates, and loan duration
⚬ Track loan repayments, rollover loans, and write-offs
⚬ Conduct error-free shareout
• Support Members ⚬ Add member profile and savings goals
⚬ Monitor progress towards group and member savings goals
⚬ Send SMS messages to members with group balances and loan reminders
• Free and Easy ⚬ Everything works offline
⚬ When a network is available, your data is saved securely to the internet
⚬ Only need one smartphone per group
⚬ Start using DreamSave in the middle of a cycle or at the beginning of a new one
⚬ Use the Demo Group or start a practice group to explore
Install and try DreamSave today!
Fique com algumas imagens de DreamSave 2.0
Confira um pouco das novidades que o DreamSave 2.0 trás:
Manage new and existing group members with ease in the latest version of DreamSave! 🎉 Group leaders can now:
- Easily quantify the number of members per group
- Quickly adjust specific settings within a profile
- Better manage personal data permissions with NGO partners and banks.
Somaliland and Zimbabwe are now also supported on the app!
This release also includes several small improvements for enhanced user experience and bug fixes.