Por: BaixeFácil
- Criado em: 13/12/2018
Baixe agora Destination Certification grátis para Android. Pass your exams now!
Want to pass the CISSP exam? Our CISSP flashcards are specifically written to help you pass the CISSP exam by leveraging over 20 years of knowledge teaching CISSP courses and a close working relationship with ISC2, the organization responsible for the CISSP designation. Our CISSP flashcards provide terms and associated definitions that we know are critical for success on the exam.
Intuitive features include:
- The ability mark which flashcards you know and which you need to review
- Bookmark flashcards that you specifically want to view later
- Add your own notes to each flashcard
- Status dashboard to help you track your study progress
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Confira um pouco das novidades que o Destination Certification trás:
Bug Zapping: Two Key Fixes!
Hey Cyber Warriors, we’ve rolled out a quick update to squash a couple of pesky bugs on iOS. Check out what's been fixed:
- Summary Screen Navigation: Fixed an issue that prevented navigation away from the summary screen without force-quitting the app.
- UI Distortion: Addressed UI distortion issues on the summary screen for a cleaner and more consistent layout.
Please update to the latest version for a smoother experience. Thank you for your continued support!