Por: BaixeFácil
- Atualizado em: 14/07/2024
Baixe agora Gizmo: AI Flashcards and Tutor grátis para Android. The easiest way to learn. AI flashcard maker and your own AI Tutor
Gizmo is the easiest way to learn. Its AI quizzes can help you learn and remember anything
AI Flashcard maker: Turns youtube videos, PDFs, notes powerpoints into flashcards - just click import.
AI Tutor: Teaches you anything, solves homework problems, and teaches you how to answer exam questions
Fique com algumas imagens de Gizmo: AI Flashcards and Tutor
Confira um pouco das novidades que o Gizmo: AI Flashcards and Tutor trás:
Now you can learn anything with an AI Tutor