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Baixar Fun Learning Games Fun Learning Games

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Desenvolvedor:AI Buddy Inc.
10,000,000+ downloads
Nota: 4.53 votos - 572174
Por: BaixeFácil - Atualizado em: 27/02/2025 10h02

Baixe agora Fun Learning Games grátis para Android. AI study buddy: Fun, interactive lessons & preschool learning games for kids 3-8

Meet Buddy, the world’s first voice-based AI tutor for kids ages 3-8. Learn first words, ABC’s, numbers, colors, shapes. Buddy offers interactive English lessons with speech practice, fun cartoons, and preschool learning games for kids to make the educational process effective and entertaining.

The app’s cutting-edge speech technology lets kids chat with Buddy just like a live person, providing unlimited early learning opportunities. That means your child gets all the 1:1 attention they need to succeed in preschool, kindergarten and beyond!

Buddy teaches essential communication skills and key early education concepts through a fun mix of cartoons, educational activities and English learning games for kids.

He’s already one of the world’s leading educational apps with games for kids:
• Over a million children learn with Buddy every month
• 470,000 5-star user reviews
• TOP 10 App on Kids and Education charts in major countries throughout Latin America and Europe
• Major awards and nominations including Global EdTech Startup Awards (GESA) London, EnlightEd Madrid, Startup Worldcup San Francisco

Ideal for Early Learners

Buddy’s preschool and kindergarten learning games and activities are part of a curriculum carefully designed by an expert team of educators and engineers with Ph.Ds in Education Science, Psychology of Learning, and Computer Science.

With Buddy, the best AI tutor, your child will learn the fundamental concepts and skills to succeed in school.

• Academics — Practice educational building blocks like numbers, shapes, and colors and get a head start on primary school subjects like Reading, Math, Science and Technology, Music and more.
• Essential communication and memory skills — Boost vocabulary retention, pronunciation, and listening comprehension.
• Foundational Social Skills — Build speaking confidence and develop the tools needed for social-emotional development.

Turn Screen Time Into Learning Time

Kids play the Buddy app like their favorite mobile game, thanks to our cool AI tutor, vibrant 3-D graphics, and curated collection of cartoons and cool virtual collectibles.

Parents trust that their child is learning important skills and concepts with every game-based lesson. And since the Buddy app is ad-free, adults can feel comfortable letting kids play (and learn) longer!

Great for ESL Students too!

Buddy teaches English for kids using flashcards, cartoons, videos and/or sound effects. He challenges children to use words and phrases correctly in conversation and helps them improve their pronunciation.

Buddy’s preschool learning games for kids make English lessons fun and engaging and encourage your toddler’s or child’s interest in learning.

All the Tools your Preschooler Needs

• First words, ABC’s, basic English vocabulary and phrases
• Colors, numbers and shapes
• Listening comprehension and correct English pronunciation
• Kids educational games to improve memory and logic
• Essential tools for different levels and age groups (toddlers to preschool kids)!

Best of all, the Buddy app lets parents track their child’s progress with weekly reports and learning stats.

Start Learning with Buddy Today!

“ Fun Learning Games for Kids” gives your 3 - 8 year-old child the tools, skills, and confidence they need to excel in their educational journey. The app’s affordable plan options offer a month of learning with our AI tutor for the cost of one live-tutoring session. 0(•‿–)0


For more information please visit our site:

Any questions? Email us:
[email protected]

“ Fun Learning Games” — Educational app that helps toddlers learn first words, helps kids prepare for school, and boosts communication skills. It offers preschool learning games for kids 3-8 years old, fun cartoons and interactive activities to make the learning process easy and exciting.

Fique com algumas imagens de Fun Learning Games

Confira um pouco das novidades que o Fun Learning Games trás:

With updated performance, we made it even easier to practice with Buddy everyday!
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