Uber - Request a rideJoin the millions of riders who trust Uber for their everyday travel needs. Whether you’re running an errand across town or exploring a city far from...
inDrive - Book a Safe Car RideinDrive, formerly known as inDriver, is a revolutionary ride-share application that boasts a presence in over 600 cities across 48 countries. Best of...
Uber Eats: Food DeliveryGet food delivery to your doorstep from thousands of amazing local and national restaurants. Find the meal you crave and order food from restaurants e...
DoorDash - DasherEnjoy the freedom to be your own boss and earn money on your schedule. Plus, get 100% of your tips, always.<br><br>* CASH AFTER EVERY DASH *<br>Ge...
Lyft DriverWHY LYFT? <br>Earn good money and meet great people.<br><br>EARN FAST <br>Get paid quickly with options to cash out instantly, daily, and weekly. Plus...
Bolt Driver: Drive & EarnDrive with Bolt Driver. Earn good money, be your own boss, and drive whenever you want.<br><br>Why Bolt?<br><br>• Higher earnings — pay lower commissi...
Grubhub for DriversBecome a Grubhub Driver and deliver customers the food they love from their favorite restaurants. With the largest restaurant and diner network, Grubh...
Grab Driver: App for PartnersHello Driver Partners,<br><br>We're excited to be on this journey with you. Partnering with us helps to boost your earning potential and build a s...
Indeed Job SearchDiscover your next job opportunity on Indeed, the free job search app designed to connect you with better work anytime, anywhere.<br><br>Forget the ot...
Uber Eats ManagerManage your restaurant or store anytime, anywhere.<br><br>Uber Eats Manager is a trusted business partner in your pocket. Access live data for all you...
Uber FleetWelcome to the All-New Uber Fleet App for Android!<br>Revolutionize your business operations with the latest iteration of the Uber Fleet app. Designed...
Waze Navigation & Live TrafficKnow what's ahead on the road with the help from other drivers. Waze is a live map that harnesses the local knowledge of tens of millions of drive...
LyftGet where you’re going with Lyft.<br><br>Whether you’re catching a flight, going out for the night, commuting to the office, or running errands in a r...
DoorDash - Food DeliveryDelivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest online selection of your favorite restaurants and stores, facilitating delivery of freshly pre...
Uber Eats OrdersLooking to order now? Find Uber Eats here: https://t.uber.com/66A3MH<br><br>Manage orders for your business on any device. <br><br>This app allows you...
Mercado Libre: Compras online<b>Las mejores ofertas exclusivas con envío gratis en 24 horas. ¡Descarga la app Mercado Libre y aprovecha para ahorrar en tus compras online! </b> En...
Google DriveGoogle Drive, part of Google Workspace, lets you securely store, intelligently organize and collaborate on files and folders from anywhere, on any dev...
Google MapsNavigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps. Over 220 countries and territories mapped and hundreds of millions of businesses and places o...
DiDi Rider: Affordable rides<b>Do you need a ride? Or are you craving for a pizza? Ride wherever you want or order food delivery with DiDi, the world's largest mobility app a...
Avatar World Games for Kids para Android
Crie diversos avatares da forma que desejar, escolha dentre infinitas possibilidades de combinações, criando personagens únicos.
Soccer Manager 2023 - Football para Android
Comande seu time de futebol e leve-os para o topo da liga, crie treinamentos, contrate novos jogadores e seja uma lenda dos Treinadores.
Date Ariane 2 para Windows
Chame Ariane para um novo encontro, faça escolhas e tente conquistar Ariane para ter uma noite perfeita.
Sunky the Game (part 1)
Passe desse level extremamente “difícil” neste incrível jogo que faz uma referência ao incrível Sonic, só que de um modo engraçado.
Xit HS Máximo para Android
Melhore sua jogatina com as funções de AIM, SENSI e DPI para seu aparelho, extrai o máximo de desempenho em suas jogatinas.
Truco Vamos: Slots Poker Crash para Android
Reúna seus amigos, familiares e jogadores do mundo todo, uma diversão de cartas para mostrar todas as suas habilidades no TRUCO e mais.
Ocolast - Origens de Paulo Guina
Prepare-se para uma aventura para fugir de uma prisão e evitar que Paulo Guina deixe um OCO em você neste game chamado Ocolast!